Friday, 28 October 2011

The Backyard House: Built From Recycled Barnboards


The TreeHugger aesthetic tends to be crisp and modern, but there is something so charming about Megan Lea's . The certified sustainable building advisor has created what she calls a "beautiful, useful, artful, and comfortable space while minimizing environmental compromise."

It is built from recycled barnboard with copper roofing, and is inspired by, among other things,  from 1931, itself a test bed of building and design

The wood stove keeps it cozy and "makes it a year round backyard destination".

The stair up to a comfortable loft. Rise over Run, the name of the designer's firm, is a reference to stair design, how we measure the steepness of stairs.

It is really hard to take good photographs in such a small space; credit is due to photographer for making this look so good. The designer also credits design/builderquartewnty  with the construction.

Nice lighting details too, recycling some crazy thing on wheels.

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